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Talk:Board Transit

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I think historically this was called "Board Train" and quite a few pages on the wiki refer to it as such, unless that is something else?RogerWilco 22:00, 11 March 2012 (UTC)

This phrase is more commonly used red-side where there are no trains... so such a term wouldn't be useful. However, now it is used as a general term for any such mission location as it can be used generically for both sides. —Thirty7 Talk-Icon.jpg 06:39, 12 March 2012 (UTC)
I only play redside and I've only ever seen Board Transit. Do you mean that on blueside Board Train is used where it's Board Transit on redside? As I said, I had understood that it was Board Train before City of Villains, but has been Board Transit since then. As I have only played for a few months, I'm not sure about this history, I just know that I also find Board Train here on the wiki, for example on the Ouroboros page. RogerWilco 13:46, 12 March 2012 (UTC)
Or in other words, should this be merged with Train Mission, should one be a redirect to the other or are they different things? RogerWilco 13:50, 12 March 2012 (UTC)
They are essentially the same thing, but in the past discussed different modes of transport. If you were on red-side Transit meant Ferry or Ouro, on blue it was Train or Ouro. However, as I said the term "Board Train" was used on Blue. I went ahead and listed a See Also on both pages referencing the other and should aid in any confusion the terminology might have. Personally, I have always thought of them as two sides of the same coin, but I guess never contemplated it as a source of confusion for newer players. In terms of merging pages or re-directs, I think they are fine as is as seperate things that link to each other now. Other Admins are free to disagree. —Thirty7 Talk-Icon.jpg 05:48, 13 March 2012 (UTC)