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m ({{UL|Investigate Nemesis Base}}: forgot about that additional objective after completion)
({{UL|Spread the news in the Rogue Isles}}: added info)
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{{Mission Briefing|Type=Debriefing|Contact=Dark Watcher|Text=I wouldn't have hoped for this much, but I'll take it.  We'll talk to our Traditionalist allies and get all the corroborating evidence.  And then we're going to get the truth out.}}
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Debriefing|Contact=Dark Watcher|Text=I wouldn't have hoped for this much, but I'll take it.  We'll talk to our Traditionalist allies and get all the corroborating evidence.  And then we're going to get the truth out.}}
==== {{UL|Spread the news in the Rogue Isles}} ====
'''The Horror of War<br />Part:  Four'''
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Briefing|Contact=Dark Watcher|Text=We're getting the truth about the Rikti War out any way possible.  Incandescent is using every resource of the Herald Division and Dietrich has taken it to the Longbow brass.  They're disseminating it all over the city and the country through Freedom Corps.  The Nemesis Army is attempting to suppress the information, by any means necessary.  One place where they may succeed is in the Rogue Isles.  It's tough enough to get any information out through the layers of Arachnos control, but now there's a wave of Nemesis attacks on news agencies and reporters.  The people of the Rogue Isles deserve to know the truth and I want you to help make sure they learn it.
You're going to the WSPDR building.  The Nemesis Army has cut the main power, but WSPDR has set up 4 back-up generators.  You've got to make sure that at least 1 generator survives.  We have a few people on the scene to help you, but Arachnos has mobilized against what they see as a Nemesis Army invasion, so it's going to get difficult.  '''Your objectives are to protect at least 1 generator, rescue Amanda Vines, WSPDR's star reporter, and take out the leader of the Arachnos forces.'''  That should give WSPDR enough time and power to transmit.
It might be a good idea to have allies along on this one.  Just my advice.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The brave reporters of WSPDR are desperately trying to stay on the air despite being caught between the Nemesis Army and Arachnos.|Primary=Get the News Out!|Secondary=Rescue Amanda Vines
**4 Generators
**Defeat Silver Mantis|Completion='''Mission Failed:'''  You were unable to protect the generators.  WSPDR has gone off the air.<br />{{color|red|(generators were being taken out before we could reach them, so no successful completion text - yet)}}}}
Tarantula:  ''Hail Arachnos!''
Werfer Jaeger:  ''For Lord Nemesis!''
{{Enemy Arachnos}}
{{Enemy Nemesis}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
*'''[[Amanda Vines]]''' (,)
*'''[[Silver Mantis]]''' (Arachnos, Archvillain)
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Debriefing (Mission Failed)|Contact=Dark Watcher|Text=It's unfortunate that the Nemesis Army was able to suppress WSPDR's transmission, but there are many in the Rogue Isles who know the truth.  We'll have to rely on the underground and word-of-mouth to get it out to the average citizen, but you can be sure the elites of Arachnos will know.  It's a start, at least.}}
== Missions ==
== Missions ==

Revision as of 15:18, 2 August 2007

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The Dark Watcher
The Dark Watcher
Zone Rikti War Zone
Level Range 45-50
Introduced By Gaussian
v  d  e

The Dark Watcher is a hero and villain contact in the Vanguard Compound neighborhood of Rikti War Zone. His level range is 45-50.


New Contacts

Contact Introduced By


Mysterious Man in Black

Many rumors swirl around the Dark Watcher. Some claim that he's a federal agent who learned too much and went renegade. Others say he's an immortal being who walks the treacherous path between worlds under his own power. Still others say that he is not a human being at all. Whatever the truth, he has appeared time and again to help the heroes of Earth fend off enemies ranging from the Rikti to the Rularuu. Normally, he disappears after his job is done, but for reasons unknown he has stayed with Vanguard since the group's inception, acting as Lady Grey's loyal advisor.

Initial Contact

I really respect and appreciate the effort you've put into this.

I'm the Watcher. You're Character. I know what you can do. You know I'll help you do it. Let's get started.

Below Level Requirement


The Dark Watcher sells all Enhancements at 200% of their base cost.

Story Arc

Story Arc

The Horror of War

Souvenir: name


Bring in Nemesis Defector

The Horror of War
Part: One


Let's cut to the chase, Character. This is big. An officer of the Nemesis Army has contacted us. He says he wants to defect. He also said that he wanted to talk to you specifically. Knowing Nemesis, this could be a trap, but it's too good an opportunity to pass up. I want you to bring the defector in.

The defector's name is Captain Sherman. He wants out, and that's very interesting. The Nemesis Army rarely has any defectors, so it's almost too unlikely to be a trap. In either case, I doubt they'll be willing to let him go easily. Get Sherman to safety, then we may be able to find out more.

Mission Objective(s)

There have been few defections from the Nemesis Army. Or at least, very few successful ones.

  • Bring in Nemesis Defector
    • Lead Capt. Sherman out

Sherman went up in fire. Ironic.

Werfer Jaeger: I suppose it'll be the chopping gear for Captain Sherman, eh?
Dragoon: There's no room for traitors in the armies of Lord Nemesis.

Balloon.png Werfer Jaeger:
The crime is treason against the Nemesis Army, and slander against the good name of Lord Nemesis himself!

Captain Sherman:

Good name?
You have no idea how ridiculous you sound.

Werfer Jaeger:

Vile cur!
You'd dare besmirch the name of a loyal automaton of the Nemesis Army?

Captain Sherman:

If you knew even half of what I've learned...

Fake Nemesis:

And that is why you must be silenced.
The Sentence is death! To be carried out immediately!


Badge villain nemesis.png Nemesis

Notable NPCs

  • Captain Sherman (Nemesis Traitor, Defector)

Captain Sherman: They'll be coming for me! We've got to get out of here!

Fake Nemesis: Once more a Sherman seeks to undo my great work!
Fake Nemesis: And after we took him from his barbarous mirror universe!

Colonel: My Lord Nemesis, the traitor approaches our position.

Fake Nemesis: The Nemesis Army shall suffer no betrayers!

Dragoon: Kill the traitor!

Icon clue generic.png
'It was... Nemesis!'
With his dying breath, Captain Sherman tried to tell you the explosive information that had caused his defection.

'Nemesis... It was all him. The war, the lies... The truth is at the Shadow Shard base. Take the coordinates. Learn the truth. The whole war, started by Nemesis! The Rikti were his dupes... It was... Nemesis!
I was Nemesis...

As the life left him, he handed you a bloodied piece of parchment with a set of dimensional coordinates and one word: 'Proof!'

Debriefing (Mission Failed)

Captain Sherman's fate was unfortunate, but his last words confirmed a suspicion I've had. The first time I visited the Rikti Homeworld, they were a peaceful people. When I learned about the invasion I couldn't believe until I saw it myself. Any people can be manipulated, and Nemesis is a master of it. In retrospect, it's obvious, but we still need to convince others, and find the proof.

Meet with Longbow

The Horror of War
Part: Two


Before we can act on Captain Sherman's information, we need a clear corridor. I've re-opened talks with Longbow. We need thier help to boost our portal's signal if we're going to investigate that Nemesis Army base in the Shadow Shard. They're willing to meet with one of us to hear what we have to say, and I'd like you to be the one to talk to them.

I know you probably don't have a great relationship with Captain Dietrich, but at least she knows you're one of our best. Lt. Sefu Tendaji should be there, too. He's been friendly to us in the past. He might be able to help win her over to our side.

Mission Objective(s)

This isn't the kind of reception you expected! The base in under attack from the Nemesis Army!

  • Meet with Longbow
    • Find Lt. Tendaji
    • Find Capt. Dietrich
    • Defeat Nemesis Army

You have done all that you can here.

Fake Nemesis: For Lord Nemesis!


Badge villain nemesis.png Nemesis

Notable NPCs

Captain W.M. Dietrich: Let's find Sefu and clear out these intruders.

Icon clue generic.png
The Sword Gets Things Done
When you found the remains of Lt. Sefu Tendaji, Captain Wilhelmina Dietrich's iron-hard shell cracked.

'Sefu? This... This is impossible! He was my right had, my, my... He was my best friend. He can't be dead. He can't be!

He was such a good man, always hopeful, always upbeat. He'd always chide me for being so stern. He saw the best in people. I needed that. I needed...
His wife thought we were having an affair, you know. We weren't, he never would have done something like that. But to the Nemesis Army, he was just...
If Vanguard needs our help to investigate this base in the Shadow Shard, you will have it. I'll get it done. That's what his name meant: 'Sefu Tendaji', 'The Sword Gets Things Done'. And when you reach that base, I want you to find that information, and I want you to show every one of those steampunk fanatics what that means.'

As the body fades away through the city's teleportation network, a grim determination sets itself on Captain Dietrich's face. The Nemesis Army has no idea of the retribution they are about to receive.


I'm sorry to hear about Lt. Tendaji, but we have to concentrate on what we can do right now. Captain Dietrich was true to her word and Portal Corp has sent over scientists and technicians. Our base portal will be ready for you soon. Then we'll get the proof we need.

Investigate Nemesis Base

The Horror of War
Part: Three


Those Portal Coporation technicians work fast. The portal is ready to send you into the Shadow Shard. It's time to learn if Captain Sherman was telling the truth. I recommend bringing some allies along. This one could get difficult.

There may be more than one way to find the information you're looking for, so keep your eyes open. All you will need is one solid piece of proof or evidence, but get more if you can find it. Of course, with all that the Nemesis Army has done recently, you may want to take your time. That's fine. Just don't imperil the mission.

Mission Objective(s)

The strange energies of the Shadow Shard are going to cause some problems. You'll have to make your was back here to escape once you're done.

  • Investigate Nemesis Base
    • Search the Safe
    • 2 Collect automaton remains
    • Find Mission Exit

You have the evidence you need to prove Nemesis' involvement in the Rikti War.

Dragoon: For Lord Nemesis!

Fake Nemesis: By the orders of Lord Nemesis, we must suppress this traitor's slanderous columnies!

Fake Nemesis: Trying to steal our invasion plans? How droll!


Badge villain nemesis.png Nemesis

Notable NPCs


Manticore Automaton: You call that fighting? I call it ERROR IN SARCASM DATABASE

Manticore Automaton: I guess you really are BELITTLING_OBSERVATION


Icon clue generic.png
Imposter's remains.
These are the remains of the Nemesis-built Manticore Imposter Automaton. It shows signs of wear, but is still a convincing copy. This would have fooled the Rikti easily, convincing them that they were under attack by aliens from another world. An attack so severe that they'd have to retaliate with overwhelming force. Though parts of its memory core are missing, deep inside are the details of its attacks, physical evidence that Nemesis started the Rikti war as part of his mad schemes.
Icon clue generic.png
The Nemesis Plan
These triplicated documents are written on heavy parchment by a bold, mechanical hand. Though they're written in code, in an odd oversight, the dozens of draftsman-like drawings scattered through them tell the whole story. From the drawings, you can see it all laid out: plans for dimensional exploration that lead Nemesis to find the Rikti homeworld, the first schematics of the Freedom Phalanx automatons, and force deployments for using the imposters to attack the Rikti homeworld in a wave of terror. Even his projections for the points the Rikti would-be counter-attack, and Nemesis Army rallying points. This is a comprehensive plan that lays out the suffering of two worlds in precise text and line drawings. It may be the single most monstrous thing you've ever seen, and that's even before it's been fully decoded.


I wouldn't have hoped for this much, but I'll take it. We'll talk to our Traditionalist allies and get all the corroborating evidence. And then we're going to get the truth out.

Spread the news in the Rogue Isles

The Horror of War
Part: Four


We're getting the truth about the Rikti War out any way possible. Incandescent is using every resource of the Herald Division and Dietrich has taken it to the Longbow brass. They're disseminating it all over the city and the country through Freedom Corps. The Nemesis Army is attempting to suppress the information, by any means necessary. One place where they may succeed is in the Rogue Isles. It's tough enough to get any information out through the layers of Arachnos control, but now there's a wave of Nemesis attacks on news agencies and reporters. The people of the Rogue Isles deserve to know the truth and I want you to help make sure they learn it.

You're going to the WSPDR building. The Nemesis Army has cut the main power, but WSPDR has set up 4 back-up generators. You've got to make sure that at least 1 generator survives. We have a few people on the scene to help you, but Arachnos has mobilized against what they see as a Nemesis Army invasion, so it's going to get difficult. Your objectives are to protect at least 1 generator, rescue Amanda Vines, WSPDR's star reporter, and take out the leader of the Arachnos forces. That should give WSPDR enough time and power to transmit.

It might be a good idea to have allies along on this one. Just my advice.

Mission Objective(s)

The brave reporters of WSPDR are desperately trying to stay on the air despite being caught between the Nemesis Army and Arachnos.

  • Get the News Out!
    • Rescue Amanda Vines
    • 4 Generators
    • Defeat Silver Mantis

Mission Failed: You were unable to protect the generators. WSPDR has gone off the air.
(generators were being taken out before we could reach them, so no successful completion text - yet)

Tarantula: Hail Arachnos!

Werfer Jaeger: For Lord Nemesis!


V badge ArachnosBadge.png Arachnos
Badge villain nemesis.png Nemesis

Notable NPCs

Debriefing (Mission Failed)

It's unfortunate that the Nemesis Army was able to suppress WSPDR's transmission, but there are many in the Rogue Isles who know the truth. We'll have to rely on the underground and word-of-mouth to get it out to the average citizen, but you can be sure the elites of Arachnos will know. It's a start, at least.


See Also

Character History

The Dark Watcher as drawn by Jon Landry

The Dark Watcher was a famous hero from the Golden age. He was one of the co-founders of The Freedom Phalanx which was founded on July 4, 1932. He has an awesome control of teleportation and even a limited ability to project force fields. He is frequently regarded as costumed in dark clothing.

Web of Arachnos

The Freedom Phalanx

According to the City of Heroes novel The Freedom Phalanx, The Dark Watcher vanished in 1954. (p. 108)

Top Cow Comic

Issue #19: The Dark Watcher tells Lady Grey that he spent decades lost in nightmarish dimensions full of magic and monsters. He reveals to the Freedom Phalanx that he has returned and warns them that a war is coming and tells them to step aside when the time comes.